Thursday, March 15, 2012

Mario Williams To Buffalo! It's Official!!!!

After three days of negotiating, courting and wining and dining, the Buffalo Bills officially landed prized free agent Mario Williams Thursday. ESPN's Chris Mortensen reports both sides have reached an agreement, but terms were undisclosed.

Williams is potentially the biggest free-agent signing in Bills history and a game-changer for the franchise. Buffalo's 26th-ranked defense struggled mightily getting to the quarterback, and Williams has 53 career sacks in six seasons. Williams also will team with defensive tackles Marcell Dareus and Kyle Williams to form one of the NFL's top defensive lines.

The price tag will be costly, but it should be worth it for Buffalo. Williams provides star power, a franchise building block, and a reason for Bills fans to rejoice.

We will have more on Williams and Buffalo next in the AFC East blog. For the time being, share your thoughts on the major signing below.

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